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How Do You Play Video Games?


An ironic direct opposite, games that are meant to be played in groups like Persona 4 Arena. These games are are great when you have a few friends over and play against each other using house rules like loser out. I'm sure many of you have fond memories of Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, and Smash Bros.. You can recreate that arcade feel and it's great. You get moments you talk about years after like the time me and a buddy played Soul Calibur 2 (GC) for hours on infinite rounds one night, just to see if the announcer voice would stop announcing rounds (the last round he announced was round 99). Or the time that me and another friend were playing Persona 4 Arena and we both picked the boxer Akihiko and our characters fist pounded before the match and we both sat there for a couple of beats, speechless due to the awesome.

The whole point of video games is to have fun and if you bought a game and find you're having trouble getting in to it, maybe you can get more enjoyment by playing it differently or changing the environment. Now, some games are actually plain bad, but I believe some games get a bad rap for simply not being the kind of game that you sit alone in front of your TV or hand held and play.
These are just a few examples of ways to play video games, so how do you play video games?
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About Cronomaxone of us since 8:33 PM on 01.26.2011

I am long time gamer who's more into portables than consoles.