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Pokemon 20th Series Retrospective Overview


I love Pokemon games, ever since I received a mysterious tape in the mail telling me that Pokemon would soon be descending on our lands. One day I borrowed Pokemon for about an hour from a friend and loved it. I soon got the game myself. Thought out the years I picked up one game for every generation except Emerald (which I did buy but that will come up in the Gen 3 retrospective).

So here is how I'm gonging to do this. There are currently 6 released generations. Every 2 months I'll play a generation and review them. I'm not going to restart the games because I don't want to wipe 20 year old save files. Yes it is currently May and I've played since January so no conflict there. I just hadn't decided to write about it.

Here is the time line:

Generation 1

Months: January - February

Games: Red, Yellow

Generation 2

Months: March – April

Games: Silver, Crystal

Generation 3

Months: May - June

Games: Ruby, Fire Red

Generation 4

Months: July - August

Games: Diamond, Platinum, Heart Gold

Generation 5

Months: September - October

Games: White, Black 2

Generation 6

Months: November - December

Games: Y, Omega Ruby


As I mentioned above I am not deleting my save files. So how am I going to “Play” the games? Every Pokemon game since generation 1 has multiple objectives. The first is to beat the Pokemon league the second has always been to complete the Pokedex. As games went on, more objectives were added. The newer games track the objectives on your trainer card. Every game has slightly different objectives, in general, they include the above, beating the battle tower, top ranking contests. I haven't accomplished everything in every game so I'll be trying to finish what I haven't achieved.


I hope you join me on my grand adventure.


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About Cronomaxone of us since 8:33 PM on 01.26.2011

I am long time gamer who's more into portables than consoles.