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Pokemon 20th Series Retrospective Generation 2: Silver and Crystal



Generation 2

I remember the Hype for generation two very vividly. The kids at my school always wanted to have the latest info. The biggest liar at the school talked about Pokemon with more then two types, at first this seems reasonable when you think of a Pokemon like Beedrill, who could be Bug/Poison/Flying. Then he took it too far by telling us all about the “Pokemon God” that looked like molten metal and had every type. Later my brother got a Becket magazine with all the new Pokemon in it but the names were just direct translations not the localization. When the games did drop, I was disappointed when Ash wasn't replaced in the TV show, I like the character design of Gold better then Red.

Pokemon Silver.

Starter: Cyndaquil

I totally bought into the hype for Pokemon the Movie 2000, I thought Lugia was awesome. There so much I loved about this game. Getting to go back to Kanto was an awesome victory lap, and battling Red as a final challenge was amazing. The new Pokemon were awesome too, I played mostly at night so I got an Umbreon who became a staple of my team. When I was little I wanted to be an archaeologist, so the Unknown held a certain allure, I completed the unknown dex. I was however only able to get Suicune, but I spent hours, trying to get those dogs. Early in the game I saw a shiny Poliwhirl thinking my game was glitching I KO-ed it, this missed opportunity and subsequent regret led to my obsession catching Shiny Pokemon.


This game looks pretty good. All the Pokemon look like the official art. The music is pretty good. And it has proper colour support. The game has a day of the week cycle and a day and night cycle. The combat is still slow though. About five or so years ago I tried to boot the game only to find it dead. I had transferred my Gengar and Charizard to this game. They are dead now, may they rest in piece.

Pokemon Crystal

Starter: Cyndaquil

Sometimes parents can surprise you. My parents gave me a small allowance that I had to save up for things like the shiny new Pokemon game. I knew Crystal was coming out so I had started saving but by the time the game released I didn't have the money to buy it. I had gone to hang with one of my friends and in the car ride back my mom handed me a bag with Pokemon Crystal! Like Yellow I restarted this game. Unfortunately when I restarted I didn't realize the egg you get at the beginning isn't always shiny I lost a shiny Smoochum. Eventually I manged to get a hold of a shiny Nidoqueen nicked name NIDORAN, a shiny Crobat and of course the Shiny Gyarados. Loved those guys. When I played though this version I wanted to use Pokemon that I liked unfortunately some were under powered. I beat the elite four with an Unknown F on my team... yeah great idea. My family went to New York where I visited the Pokemon center and got a Celebi for both my games!

This game is the seminal Generation 2 game, the Pokemon move when they go into battle! It also introduced the battle tower and has a better story then Gold and Silver. If you want to play a generation 2 game play this one. When I booted this game this year I found the battery to be dead, it took NIDORAN, Crobat and Gyarados with it.


For a very long time this was my favorite generation. In fact I feel that only the past few generations have out done it. This game was a proper evolution of Generation 1, It took the concepts and moved them forward. Fighting two Pokemon leagues was awesome, everything about it felt good. Do I recommend hunting these games down? Not really although they are better then the originals. the best way to play is still hooking up a 64 and playing at 3 times speed.



Generation 1

Images pulled from http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/

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About Cronomaxone of us since 8:33 PM on 01.26.2011

I am long time gamer who's more into portables than consoles.