Halloween is almost upon us! I haven't been invited to any Halloween parties yet, but I am going to a local cigar bar dressed as Kyle Katarn. Gonna smoke some cig-ars and drink some Corellian Ale. Or regular ale. Whatever's on tap. Or on special.
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About Titannelone of us since 6:02 PM on 08.12.2013
Hey. I'm Titannel. I am currently a video editor for a local news station, but I'd like to edit for YouTube eventually. I also enjoy the video games. I particularly focus on retro video games, though I collect for pretty much everything, against my better judgment. Anyone who can decode my banner wins fifty bonus points. For what? Eh.
Oh, what's that? You want a shorter description? Here's one:
"Video editor. Amateur filmmaker. Creative Writer. Real human being. And a real hero."
Oh, what's that? You want a shorter description? Here's one:
"Video editor. Amateur filmmaker. Creative Writer. Real human being. And a real hero."