Holy shit, FFO is good! Keep the combat mechanics and the job class system, ditch the writer who has obviously just reached puberty, and scale up those textures, the wheatfield tutorial level looks like a thousand bugs were buzzing around!
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About lewnessone of us since 3:39 AM on 08.05.2009
Name: Lew
- Shadow of the Colossus
- Chrono Trigger
- Chrono Cross
- Silent Hill 2
- Silent Hill 3
- Brave Fencer Musashi
- Persona 4
- SMT: Devil Survivor
- SMT: Persona (on PSP)
- Suikoden 5
- Broken Sword
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Most FFs, really
- Shadow of the Colossus
- Chrono Trigger
- Chrono Cross
- Silent Hill 2
- Silent Hill 3
- Brave Fencer Musashi
- Persona 4
- SMT: Devil Survivor
- SMT: Persona (on PSP)
- Suikoden 5
- Broken Sword
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Most FFs, really