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TGIF Open Thread!


Hello, Destructoid! It's that wonderful time of the week! It's Friday!

After grandma (and everyone else) recovered from the shock of Tintin's death, she decided to adopt another cockatiel. Not much because of her, but because of Athena, the cockatiel that survived and that she had bought as a company for Tintin. She has already chosen the new bird but hadn't had the time to bring him home yet.

I've contacted a songwriter to compose a wee song for my book. I had this idea for one of the scenes, and it wouldn't leave my mind. But since I suck at songwriting, I went ahead and hired someone who can. The girl specialises in bard songs for D&D, which fits my purposes very well, and she loved the context I gave her for the song. We should start officially working on it next week.

I finished reading Remember Me, Synthetica and The Bone Shard Daughter. I watched Prey (my very first Predator film, and it was better than expected) and the Ethiopian Faya Dayi (one of the most beautiful black and white filmography I've ever seen, though I couldn't quite connect with the story). Thanks to Mubi offering me 3 months for R$10 again, I can now feast on their selection of films 👌🏻

On the 15th, it will start the Metroidvania Game Jam. It's a one-month game jam where the goal is, you got it, build a Metroidvania game. I already have a team and we've been working on the concept for the last few weeks, and I really like the premise we came up with. Now we need to see how much we'll manage to create in one month x)

Queen's Song of the Week: this song had everything to be annoying, but it's quite addicting!

How was your week Dtoid? Any fun plans for the weekend? Watch, play or read anything new worth sharing? Let us know down in the comments and as always, happy gaming!

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About Queen of Philosophyone of us since 9:09 AM on 07.09.2020

A writer who is passionate about storytelling in all its forms. In my profile, you may find story discussions, theories, or random video game coffee talk. She/Her/Sí/Í

Some of my favourite...

... games:

The Last of Us (Parts I and II)
BioShock 1
Dark Souls 1
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
God of War
Hollow Knight

... films:

There Will Be Blood
Winter Night
Spider-Man: No Way Home
An Cailín Ciúin
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
The Lord of the Rings
Jojo Rabbit

... books:

Gideon the Ninth
When Women Were Warriors
This Is How You Lose the Time War
Project Hail Mary
The Song of Achilles
Notes from the Underground
Pride and Prejudice
A Song of Ice and Fire