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Titannel's c-blog
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G4 is ending. Again. The original network was ridiculously innovative when it launched in 2002, but the current one was just giving people stuff they could get for free on YouTube or Twitch. Not enough innovation. Absolute waste of talented people.



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About Titannelone of us since 6:02 PM on 08.12.2013

Hey. I'm Titannel. I am currently a video editor for a local news station, but I'd like to edit for YouTube eventually. I also enjoy the video games. I particularly focus on retro video games, though I collect for pretty much everything, against my better judgment. Anyone who can decode my banner wins fifty bonus points. For what? Eh.

Oh, what's that? You want a shorter description? Here's one:

"Video editor. Amateur filmmaker. Creative Writer. Real human being. And a real hero."