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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #274 - Funkadality


Featuring Mortal Kombat 2 and dance music.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

as promised, another Mortal Kombat entry. Same idea, character select screen but from the successor from 1993. This one has a strong dancing beat the type of which became a staple of the series:

I heard some sequences reminiscent of this one as early as 70s area of funk/disco music usually in the form of a backing. Some examples:

Funkadelic - "I'll bet you" (1970):


Fatback Band - "The Joint" (1976):

Occasionally, similar rhythms also appear in 80s dance music which funk heavily inspired:

Rofo - "Flashlight on a Disco Night" (1984):

Next week something entirely different.

Phil out.



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