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tater's Extra Life and Birthday Stream Extravaganza!


What up!  My birthday falls on May 13th, and I want to ask you all for a wonderful present: Donations to Extra Life.  I will be visiting the family the day of, so instead I am going to be doing a stream a week before on May 6th to raise money For the Kids. 

Who: me and all of you!
What: Extra Life Fundraiser, playing Triangle StrategyWhere: https://twitch.tv/taterchimp , https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=510877
When: May 6th, 11:00 AM CST to 11:00 PM CST
Why: For the kids!
Goal:  $500 dollars raised

This will be my 5th year of running events for Extra Life, and I am super happy to be a part of the community.  The wonderful folks at Destructoid had several people who did events, as did one of my old high school friends, so it seemed like a no brainer to use time I was already spending to play games to raise money for those in need.  The past few years have also felt like there is a vacuum of kindness between COVID running rampant, a bleak political climate, and the usual ravages of time, so it has been incredibly heartwarming to see so many people contribute to a wonderful cause.  At the end of last year’s event, my personal fundraising has given over 5,000 dollars to support the University of Iowa’s Stead Family Children’s Hospital, and gamers all across the state of Iowa raised a grand total of nearly $92,000.  

Originally, I had started by playing a game that I thought would be an absolute nightmare to try and do a 12 hour stream in: Final Fantasy 13.  There was a moment in the game where the tone shifted to bright lights, a triumphant return, and the music I had in the background had switched a wonderfully amped up track.  With only an hour remaining, and donations past the goal, it became one of my favorite gaming memories, even if the game itself wasn’t perfect.  I made a tradition of playing Final Fantasy games for the stream, and have since finished 6, 7, 8, 13. 13-2, 13-3 and 15 during events.  Unfortunately this has left me without any games I haven’t played (or want to revisit) so this year I am doing a stream in Triangle Strategy!  

Previously I have had some incentives, but honestly, they never got redeemed except one so this year has one incentive only: Speed Run of Dark Souls New Game + for $100 dollars.  I will have a file ready to go, and it should take about 2 hours to complete (estimate).  If you want to stick around for dinner, there is a good chance Zombie Burger will make an appearance, and I could be persuaded with donations to get increasingly insane burgers. Previously, the 500 dollar goal has been pretty modest, so I want to see you all help me absolutely crush this.  To help achieve that, at the end of the stream I will personally match the highest donation.  

Finally, if you want to do fundraisers of your own and need a team, I have one set up for this year at https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.team&teamID=63849.  You shouldn’t need a password to join, just a kick butt fund raising spirit! 

Who: me and all of you!
What: Extra Life Fundraiser!
Where: https://twitch.tv/taterchimp , https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=510877
When: May 6th, 11:00 AM CST to 11:00 PM CST
Why: For the kids!

I hope to see many of you there! If you can’t make it, and would like to spread to word, I would very much appreciate it!

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About taterchimpone of us since 6:01 PM on 06.06.2008

My Belmont Run for Dark Souls can be seen


I also did a blind run of the DLC, which you can view

And here

I also covered the progress of building my own gaming PC. I had no experience, and overall, it wasn't all bad! If you are on the fence about it, I suggest you read about my efforts

And here

The series never had a part 3, because I was having waaaaay too much fun playing it. Suffice to say that it does alright these days.

Thanks for stopping by my blawg!
Xbox LIVE:Taterchimp


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