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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #279 - Mining Lamentation


Featuring Shining Force 2, blues and ragtime.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

summer has started and we'll begin by having a look at a nowadays often overlooked Sega Genesis/Mega Drive classic: SHining Force 2 from 1993. A round based strategy game comparable to Nintendos Fire Emblem it used to be a major entry in Segas RPG lineup during the 16 Bit area. Had a successor for Sega Saturn which was unfortunately not released completely in the west and several spinoffs like Shining Wisdom and Shining the Holy Ark.

Our song of interest today is the one that plays in the Mithril mine which can be used for major weapon upgrades:

This song has a very bluesy nature so comparable melodies can be found in both blues and ragtime. Some examples:

Prince's Band - "St. Louis Blues" (1916):

And some ragtime:

Al. J. Neiburg - "There Goes My Attraction" (1936):

Eubie Blake - "Slow Drag" (1910):

Francis K. Shuman - "Doing The Prom" (1936):

Next week more Shining Force.

Phil out.

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