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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #282 - Cowabumper


Featuring Mario Kart 64 and country music.

I decided to suspend Shining Force for a while because I still need to hear some stuff. So as a replacement, I'll use a prominent tune from a Mario game: The Moo Moo farm music from Super Mario Kart 64 (1996):

This song breathes country music and consequently this genre has many songs with comparable vibe. Some examples:

Smokey River Boys - "Rolling in My Sweet Baby's Arms" (Traditional):

Bill Monroe - "Will You Be Loving Another Man?" (1946):

The Nashville Grass - "China Grove My Hometown" (1983):

Reno and Smiley - "Choking the Strings" (1953):

And summer goes on.

Phil out.

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