I love all of you. I need you to know this. I did before I started here. And I’ve never ever taken you for granted. I would have written for you forever. I’ve been crying all day. I can’t stop. I’m devastated. This is the worst day of my life
Chris Moyse
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About Chris Moyseone of us since 4:22 AM on 06.18.2010
Chris has been playing video games since video games began... still terrible at them. Former Saturday Night Slam Master, rambles nostalgically like Abe Simpson. I ain't here to fight, so let's not waste our time.
Mind like an encyclopedia.
Face like a phonebook.
"My pen shall heal, not hurt.”
L.M. Montgomery
Mind like an encyclopedia.
Face like a phonebook.
"My pen shall heal, not hurt.”
L.M. Montgomery