Nothing is gained by me posting this here, but you’re my family. And It fucking hurts So Much. I feel like a horse that won championships, got a gammy leg, so was led behind a barn and shot by his own trainers. Years of devotion pulled away in seconds
Chris Moyse
NinjaSpeed 37
vxxy 31
SuperMonk4Ever 23
MeeGhoulz 21
Mamekuma 17
EtosiGiR 15
Dinosir 14
GoofierBrute 11
Boxman214 10
Peter Glagowski 9
Voex 8
JohnSmith123 6
AndrePC 6
AtomicBanana 5
Derpunkel 4
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About Chris Moyseone of us since 4:22 AM on 06.18.2010
Chris has been playing video games since video games began... still terrible at them. Former Saturday Night Slam Master, rambles nostalgically like Abe Simpson. I ain't here to fight, so let's not waste our time.
Mind like an encyclopedia.
Face like a phonebook.
"My pen shall heal, not hurt.”
L.M. Montgomery
Mind like an encyclopedia.
Face like a phonebook.
"My pen shall heal, not hurt.”
L.M. Montgomery