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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #283 - Niche Corridor


Featuring The Guardian Legend and ragtime.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

since summer is in full swing, let's have a look at some games that time has forgotton but which nevertheless were pretty good in the day. On of these is Guardian Legend, a hybrid between metroidvania, top-down rpg and shmup from 1988. You are on a hostile planet navigating your character through a zelda-esque overworld collecting discovering new areas and getting currency for buying upgrades. Occasionally you will find a "Corridor", a sub level which is purely shmup and has a boss character. Opening the corridor will feature the following tune:

The structure of this song reminds of the piano grips from the ragtime songs of the early 20th century:


 F. B. Stone - "Rheu-Ma-Tiz" (1910):

J. L. Schetter - "The Rinkey Dink" (1901):

William Benton Overstreet - "The Jazz Dance (1917):

Although these are pretty happy and the spooky tone were probably added later in music history:

The Ohio Players - "I Want To Be Free" (1974):

Some more forgotten stuff next week!

Phil out.

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