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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #285 - Turtles 'Sup


Featuring Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) and mostly fusion.

Greetings fellow music lovers,

in the heat of the summer, one of the games that is associated with the NES like few others: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from 1989. From one of the greater cartoon franchises of the 80s it came back into public consciousness through a review by the AVGN which cemented it's reputation as one of the most difficult NES games. Note: It is actually pretty manageable if you know how.  Note 2: Memorize the dam map from internet, stack up on scrolls in that one building in level 3 and choose the upper path in the Technodrome. There you go.

The song playing in the last level as well as the caves of the second to last level is our todays topic:

I will go for jazz fusion with this one. Some examples:

Mari Kaneko & Bux Bunny - "尾軽兎 Dancer" (1978):

It could also be based on a funk bassline:

Ohio Players - "Far East Mississippi" (1976):

Black Buster - "Whatcha Gonna Say" (1975):

Nevertheless, the principal structures of such progressions can already be found in jazz:

John Coltrane - "Mr. P.C." (1960):

Maybe I'd dig up some more from this corner in the following weeks.

Phil out.

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