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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #293 - Digi Tunes Part II


Featuring Tiny Toons SNES and several.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

as promised, the second part of my Tiny Toon - Buster Busts Loose (1992) for SNES entry. This includes theories about some possible influences that are not related to well-known classical music. Here we go:

First we have this section from the Looniversity level:

Unless this is some american march music I don't know it resembles this section from Offenbachs operette "La belle Helene":

Jacques Offenbach "La belle Hélène, Act 1: "Voici les rois de la Grèce"" (1864):

Ok, one marchy music form the U.S. I have here:

Leroy Anderson - "Promenade" (1950):

Then we have this music that plays between the levels:

which is reminiscent of "Topsy", a well-known dance by Hugo Frey from 1916:

I cannot rule out that there are other dances from that era that have this progression. I heard some tango songs from before 1930 with comparable progression.

Then we have this music from when the building in the sky collapses:

Something comparable can be found in this suite by cuban composer Ernesto Lecuona from the 1920s (Malaguena & Andalucia):

What else? Ah yeah, the song that plays when Babs imposes Princess Leia:

While the song has a more romantic tone, progressions comparable to the underlying melody can be occasionally found in marching music. Like this one:

William Hartmann & James B. Brow - "The Prince of Asturias March" (early 20th century):

The Great Japan March:


And that's what I have to say about Tiny Toons for the moment. Next week something new!

Phil out.

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