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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #296 - Tiny Aftermath


Featuring Tiny Toons Snes and Folk/World/Country.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

yeah, I dug in my archives some more and found some more stuff for Tiny Toons - Buster Busts Loose! (1992) for Snes.

First we have the password theme:

There is a song with a similar progression in the country-swing genre:

Tompall And The Glaser Brothers - "Judy's Growing Up" (1961):

I cannot rule out there are other songs like this. There are some who don't have the exact same melody but similar "feel"most from the Swing genre:

Chat Atkins - "South" (1955):

Tex Williams - "What's The Matter With You" ( before 1949):

Then you have this 2 x 6 note jingle from the Mad Doctor introduction:

Same note sequence also appears, albeit slower, in Beethoven's 7th sonata, 2nd movement:

I guess I'm really done with Tiny Toons for the moment. But there's still other stuff to do!

Phil out.

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