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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #299 - Contra Point


Featuring Contra, Contra 3 - The Alien Rebels and several.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

cleaning out the Contra shack! 

First we have the jungle theme from the first Contra:

The scales and the way the melody is structured reminds a lot of 70s Funk:

Akira Ishikawa & His Count Buffalos - "Get Up !" (1975):

Another snippet from the same song has a tone I mostly associate with late 60s / early 70s and sunshine pop:

The Association - "The Time It Is Today" (1968):

Pavlov's Dog - "She Came Shining" (1976):

Then we have this sequence from the final boss battle with the brain:

For this one we have a mostly stylistic similarity in the works of Richard Strauss:

 Richard Strauss - "Ein Heldenleben, Op. 40" (1898):

Of course, Horner and Goldsmith of Alien fame really like these styles so maybe I'm just adding to the pile.

That's all regarding Contra for now. Next week something different!

Phil out.

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