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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #301 - Intermission


Featuring Pac Man and Rockabilly, Blues etc.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

since last weeks Pac Man (1980) went so well, how about another one? Yeah in addition to the famous jingle the game has additional music in the intermission scenes of which the first one sounds like this:

From a genre standpoint, the jingle really sounds like a lot of old Rockabilly songs and the genres that influenced it. Due to the clear sound, probably from the revival in the 70s-90s. Some comparable progressions:

Crazy Cavan - "Wildest Cat In Town" (1978/1979):

Warren Smith - "Uranium Rock" (1958) ( Greetings to all Fallout fans!):

Some older rocknroll / blues structures this might have evolved from:

Charlie Feathers - "Bottle To The Baby" (1956):

Elijah Jones - "Stuff Stomp" (1938):

Delmore Brothers - "Freight Train Boogie" (1946):

And some more examples from the 80s when Pac Man was released:

Breathless - "Bad Bad Boy" (1985):

A notable occurence of this jingle is in the theme of the Honky Tonk Man, a wrestler who was at the height of his fame in the eighties when he was part of the WWF. He was also in the 1989 Wrestlemania game on the NES:

Now that we are done with this, it's the time of the year again: Final Fantasy season! All Final Fantasy entries until christmas! Have fun!

Phil out.

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