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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #302 - Blooming On


Featuring Final Fantasy VIII and folk music.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

as preparation for the new Final Fantasy series I decided to make extra blog entries for the stuff that was exclusive in the latest video so it becomes formally also part of the blog. This does not have an influence on the usual saturday entry.

First, we have the obligatory airship theme which in Final Fantasy VIII (1998) runs under the title "Ride On":

And as we noted it has a pretty similar progression to the backing of the traditional folk tune Blackberry Blossom: 

For the descending scale on the left hand, there are several country songs that have something comparable:

Cowboy Jazz - "That's What I Like About The West" (1981):

It also occasionally appears in versions of the traditional tune "Dusty Miller":

Bonus! Such a descending series of notes also occasionally appears, fittingly, in the sacral works of Antionio Vivaldi:

RV 597 Beatus Vir

New stuff on saturday!

Phil out.

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