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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #304 - Full Fiddle Ahead


Featuring Final Fantasy V and country/gospel.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

as you remember, there was a time where it was not granted that a Final Fantasy that was released in Japan would be released in the west. One deplorable example of this is the fifth part (1992) of the series that arguably has the most sophisticated implementation of the job system, Tactics and online parts not counting. Plus the usual high quality soundtrack by Uematsu who was about to reach his prime at this point. Fortunately, this could be rectified with the later PSX and Gameboy Advance releases.

The second entry of this FF run, we decided to have a look a the title theme of the game.

There are some songs in the country/gospel domain that have similar progressions albeit usually in a different tone.

First we have the violin backing at the beginning of the song:

A similar progression can be found in 

Billy Edd Wheeler & Chris Rogers - "Boilin Them Cabbage Down" (1957):

And for the seven-note jingle that starts the main part of the song

one can find something comparable in the gospel hymn

Fanny J. Crosby - "When the Trump of the Great Archangel" (1941):

More next week!

Phil out.

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