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TGIF Open Thread!


Ho Ho Ho and happy holidays and all that shit! It's that lovely time of the week! It's Friday!

Office closed at noon today so I got off early which I'll never complain about. Plus! Due to the holiday, I have a 3 day weekend. I believe I also have the 1st of the year off as well, which also makes me have a 3 day weekend after that. Then, I took 2 days off on the 8th and the 9th the following week! So I'll have 3 short work weeks in a row and I'm fucking thrilled! The end of the year insurance madness has taken its toll and I need a damn break. Looking forward to the new year and for the chaos to calm a bit.

We're preparing for our yearly Christmas Eve family get together. We always go to the Steph's sisters house and just hangout, exchange gifts and eat good food so that'll be nice. We start our 3-4 month diet on the 1st and as much as I enjoyed stuffing my face over the holidays, I'm excited to lose that weight and up my weekly workouts. My body's like "wtf are you doing to me?".

Cyberpunk expansion is good shit so far. I have no idea who to trust and I love/hate it haha. Happy the team turned this game around because it's legit fantastic now. Great story, fun city to explore and combat is just so damn fun. Going to finish this up proably before the new year and then finish as many stragglers before the end of February. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is calling my name and I'm so damn excited for it.

Chrono's song of the week:

How was your week everyone!? Any fun weekend plans? Watch, play or read anything new worth sharing? Let us know down in the comments and as always, happy gaming!

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About ChronoLynxxone of us since 1:25 AM on 07.12.2020

Proud gamer, music lover and MMA obsessed. I also love all things horror. Father to 3 fur babies. I try to see the positive side of things.

Small list of favorite games:

Final Fantasy Tactics
Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 6,7, and 10
Super Metroid
Mass Effect 2
Deus Ex
Mega Man X
Silent Hill 2
Super Mario RPG
Diablo 2
The Witcher 3
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Dark Souls 3
Grand Theft Auto 5
God of War (2018)
Resident Evil 4
F.E.A.R. 2
Fallout New Vegas
What Remains of Edith Finch
Ori and the Blind Forest/ Will of the Wisps