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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #310 - Easy Whistling


Featuring The Legend Of Zelda / Super Mario Bros. 3 and Easy Listening.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

unfortunately, my health situation is still not very well but I don't want to keep you waiting much longer so I decided to release something: A comparison for the flute music in the original The Legend of Zelda game (1986).

It is also used as the flute theme in Super Mario Bros. 3 (1989) which was scored by Kondo as well.

The mysterious, soothing tone is something you hear in comparable in 50s easy listening that intends to invoke the feelings of strange, faraway places, commonly known as "Exotica":

Martin Denny - "Moon of Manakoora" (1959):

Flip Fillips - "But Beautiful" (1949):

Frank Hunter - "Strange Echoes" (1958):

I will see when I can bring the next entry!

Phil out.

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