Unicorn Overlord shows off elves, enemies, and many, many classes

Vanillaware’s tactics game continues to look promising.

Unicorn Overlord battle scene with Eltolinde ability

There is a sizeable pile of role-playing games arriving in 2024, making for a pretty packed start to the year. But even with Infinite Wealth, Rebirth, and more on deck, one game has continued to spur our interest in the (virtual) Destructoid offices: Unicorn Overlord.

Today, Atlus and Vanillaware are sharing more details about the upcoming tactics RPG. Vanillaware is known for a few things, depending on who you ask: incredible art, maybe, or its side-scrolling action in Odin Sphere and Muramasa, sure. 2020’s 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim saw the studio weave an incredible narrative thread through multiple perspectives, too.

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So it’s interesting that Unicorn Overlord feels like a fantasy tactics game, and targeted right at fans of the genre. It’s a story about Alain, an exiled prince gathering forces to strike back at the conquering nation of Zenoira.

This latest info drop leans heavy into what tactics fans, or at least the ones working here, dig: classes, abilities, promotions, and more. Plus, some elves. Elves are pretty big right now. Let’s take a look at all the details.

Eltolinde, Rosalinde, and Ithilion

These three are elven allies, who you can recruit to Alain’s cause. Eltolinde and Rosalinde, left and center respectively, are sisters caught up in Zenoira’s invasion of Elheim. Eltolinde chose to lead from within after the capital fell, while Rosalinde escaped and gathers forces for the counterattack.

Ithilion, meanwhile, is a swordsman who was away on mission when Elheim’s capital fell. He’s been leading a guerilla force since then. I already love the designs of these characters, and the interesting plot that could surround their individual stories.

Alcina and Baltro

We’re not just seeing allies in this Unicorn Overlord info dump, but enemies too. Alcina, left, is a witch for the Zenoiran army and was previously the court sorceress of Cornia, Alain’s former kingdom. She’s helping out the big-bad Galerius in his schemes. While labelled a witch, the mace and shield give me big Cleric vibes, a la everyone’s favorite devout princess from Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baltro, meanwhile, looks like a lil’ weirdo, in a good way. He’s a wizard that serves Galerius, and obscures his face as he does his lil’ weirdo magic. My money says he absolutely does some light necromancy at some point.

Classes, classes, and more classes

Vanillaware also sent over some details about the classes players can utilize in Unicorn Overlord. Each character has a set class, determining what they can do and how they act on the battlefield. Some are frontliners, others are fliers, and still more wield magical powers. As you can see from the Housecarl, Cleric, and Feathersword above (left to right), they also have distinctive looks.

There are over 60 class types, according to Atlus and Vanillaware, and each plays into strengths and weaknesses. Fliers may be fast, but archers can do double damage to them; a classic power-balancing move for tactics games if there ever was one.

While some are expected, others have neat unit-specific bonuses. Werewolves perform better at night, for example, and Elven Fencers are melee units who can create barriers to protect allies.

Leader by example

Alongside their battle skills, each unit has a character set as a leader, which imparts a Leader Effect. Depending on the class of the leader, the unit will gain an additional effect, and set the unit’s move type. One led by a Housecarl can break barricades on the map, for example. And while Infantry and Cavalry may move quick on roads, the horses of the Cavalry struggle in forests, decreasing mobility.

Image via Vanillaware/Atlus

Finally, a promotion

Eventually, a unit can spend their accrued honors to promote to an advanced class. The example Vanillaware sent over was Alain, promoting from Lord into High Lord. This upgrade gives him a regal steed and lets his unit cover ground faster.

Image via Vanillaware/Atlus

Even more battles to fight

Unicorn Overlord has a campaign and story, but additionally, Atlus and Vanillaware confirm there are Auxillary Stages. There, you can battle phantom soldiers as many times as you want, building up sweet, sweet EXP for your party. You can also pick up Treatises, items that impart EXP, from Auxillary Stages, as well as items that boost specific abilities and development for your army.

Image via Vanillaware/Atlus

It’s honestly hard not to feel like Vanillaware is saying, and showing, all the right things for tactics fans with Unicorn Overlord. Its mix of world map strategy and unit tactics seemed strange at first, but I think I’m starting to see how it all comes together. With tons of class and development options that seem like they can really play out across the different modes, it looks like a tactics RPG with no shortage of things to do.

There’s still the question of how it all comes together. But Vanillaware is one of those studios I’ll always set aside some time for, especially after the excellent surprise of 13 Sentinels. What I’m seeing of Unicorn Overlord certainly makes it look like the studio is teed up for another sleeper hit.

Unicorn Overlord arrives for Switch, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox Series X|S on March 8, 2024.

About The Author
Eric Van Allen
Senior Editor - While Eric's been writing about games since 2014, he's been playing them for a lot longer. Usually found grinding RPG battles, digging into an indie gem, or hanging out around the Limsa Aethryte.
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