Does Under Night In-Birth 2 have rollback netcode?

Is Under Night In-Birth 2 following industry standards for online play?

Under Night In-Birth 2 crossplay would be incredible

Under Night In-Birth 2 rollback netcode would be incredible for anime fighting game fans. The first game impressed us with its frenetic gameplay and intriguing characters, but can the netcode keep up with the action?

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Will there be Under Night In-Birth 2 rollback netcode?
Screenshot via arcsystemworks’ YouTube channel

Will there be Under Night In-Birth 2 rollback netcode?

Publisher Arc System Works and the whimsically named developer French Bread have confirmed there will be Under Night In-Birth 2 rollback netcode at launch. It says on the game’s Steam page that it’s “now supporting rollback netcode for an improved online experience!” The first game suffered from a poor online experience, so this is a welcome feature.

Additionally, there will be Casual Matches, so you can matchmake and not worry about your rank.

Unfortunately, crossplay won’t be supported in this fighting game. There has been no official word from the publisher or the developer. I’ve scoured the official website, trailers, and press releases, and nothing has been said about it. It would have been great to play against PC players on PlayStation systems, but c’est la vie. If we hear any news on this, we’ll update this post.

Unfortunately, the game isn’t heading to Xbox systems.

Are there any special editions or pre-order bonuses to consider?

There will be a Digital Deluxe Edition and pre-order bonuses when Under Night In-Birth 2 releases on January 24. The Digital Deluxe Edition includes:

  • The game
  • 25 Announcer Characters set
  • UNI2 – Season Pass

Strangely, the pre-order bonus is also the season pass. It includes three DLC characters and main antagonist Kuon as an immediate unlock. Hopefully, these bonuses will help you enjoy the final chapter in the Under Night In-Birth series.

About The Author
Chris Penwell
Chris is a freelance writer for multiple outlets, including Destructoid! He loves narrative games like Kingdom Hearts, Life is Strange, and Beyond Good & Evil. However, he does enjoy Fortnite and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from time to time.
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