Podtoid 14: Post CES and SARS edition

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Although completely spent from all of the gadgets, porn, and SARS, the crew of Nex, Summa, Ron, Aaron and Colette still manage to crank out a new Podtoid for that ass. Details of both CES and AVN are discussed, and nothing is left to the imagination. Also covered is our appearance on Attack of the Show and how Burning Crusade is WOWing fans. 

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Role Call!

Robert Summa in NYC ……………………. Articles | MySpace
Colette “Nakigo” Bennett from LA ………… Articles | MySpace
Nex from Portland ……………………….. Articles | MySpace
Aaron Linde from Bellingham…………….. Articles & Sex tape
Ron Workman
from Sarasota…………….. Forums | MySpace

In this episode:

00:00 … Intro ver 3.0
00:33 … Introductions
01:30 … What’s going on, Cracka’ ain’t got SARS
07:10 … Burning Crusade x2
08:21 … CES: Peter Moore, SARS, asians, and tents
12:33 … Ron causes trouble, “Truffle shuffle”
16:07 … AVN: Porn was the best part, 12 y/olds scare Ron
18:30 … CES was hard work, not all games and fun
19:40 … iPhone sucks
22:17 … Summa was on Lost
23:18 … Summa was on Attack of the Show
34:00 … Destructoid continues to blow up
35:41 … Clown shoes Justin Murray gets more weekly hate
39:40 … Ghostbusters gets panties in wads, Peter Stinkman
44:50 … Gabe Newell is fat and hates the PS3
52:12 … Tragic Wee / Wii contest
58:05 … WOW, Burning Crusade is out, also Gypsy cab co.
64:00 … Reader questions: Halo 3, Earthbound and more
78:00 … No handhelds for Ron

About The Author
Robert Summa
More Stories by Robert Summa