All Tower Boss duos in Palworld and how to beat them

Don’t take a knife to a gun fight.

Tower bosses are among the most difficult to defeat enemies in Palworld, with tactics ranging from a little bit irritating to ‘can I throw my computer out of the window now?’ level infuriating. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got the rundown of each boss duo along with some tips to help when you defeat them. 

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There are five total towers around the island of Palapagos, each hosting a duo made up of a seriously unfriendly foe and their tamed Pal. They’re difficult to beat and can take a few tries each before you finally figure out the right tactics and which Pals to take in your fight against the enemy. 

We’ll go into each one in a little more detail further on, but here is the full list of Tower boss duos, in the order in which you’re going to want to take them on:

  • Zoe and Grizzbolt
  • Lily and Lyleen
  • Axel and Orserk
  • Marcus and Faleris
  • Victor and Shadowbeak

Zoe and Grizzbolt

Location: Rayne Syndicate Tower

Challenge: 30,550 HP in 10 minutes

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Zoe is the head of Rayne Syndicate and chooses to team up with her Pal Grizzbolt. 

As Grizzbolt is an electric element Pal, you’re going to want to take a ground element Pal as your fighting buddy because they’re super effective against electric Pals, while electric Pals deal less damage to them. Some good and relatively easy to find choices are Rushoar or Fuddler. 

The tactic for beating Zoe and Grizzbolt is fairly straightforward. Avoid incoming tacks using evasive rolling, hide behind the pillars that surround the arena and do your best to attack from behind. I’ve found that the best and easiest way to speed things up during this fight is to aim for Zoe, rather than Grizzbolt. 

Lily and Lyleen

Location: Free Pal Alliance Tower

Challenge: 69,370 HP in 10 minutes

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Lily, the head of the Free Pal Alliance chooses to team up with Lyleen, which comes as a surprise considering the tower itself is surrounded by ice element Pals, but that’s beside the point. 

As a grass element Pal, Lyleen is weak against fire element Pals so some good choices to face this duo are Foxparks, Bushi or Arsox. 

A solid tactic for taking on Lily and Lyleen would be to take Vanwyrm, if you’ve captured or hatched one, because you can mount this Pal and direct their attacks towards the boss. However, this does mean that you’re always in the line of fire rather than using your Pal as a distraction in order to attack from behind. 

Axel and Orserk

Location: Brothers of the Eternal Pyre Tower

Challenge: 130,700 HP in 10 mins

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The head of the Brothers of the Eternal Pyre, Axel teams up with Orserk and this fight is when things start to get really interesting. 

As a dragon and electric combination element Pal, Orserk is weak against both ground and electric element Pals, so taking a combination of those on your party is your best bet, though possibly not the most important thing when it comes to this fight. 

Considering the level needed to fight and capture pals in the area surrounding this tower, you should have progressed far enough within the game to unlock guns for both yourself and your Pals and that’s what’s needed in order to win this fight – firepower. Equip your pals with guns, craft some weaponry for yourself and stock up on ammunition before attempting to take on this tower boss duo. 

Marcus and Faleris

Location: PIDF Tower

Challenge: 146,975 HP in 10 minutes

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The fact that there is a police force guarding areas of Palapagos hints at a deeper backstory that has yet to be uncovered, but the head of the organisation is Marcus and for this fight, he teams up with Faleris, proving to be a challenge. 

As a fire element Pal, Faleris’ weakness is obvious – water. Fill your team with as many high level water element Pals as you can and drag them with you into this fight. 

As a bird Pal, Faleris is difficult to combat using melee tactics and let’s face it, you probably shouldn’t be going into this fight with a baseball bat anyway. Again, as if you need to be told at this point, stock up on guns and ammunition – the higher damage output, the better. If you’ve unlocked the Rocket Launcher, all the better. 

Victor and Shadowbeak

Location: Pal Genetic Research Unit Tower

Challenge: 200,750 HP in 10 minutes

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This is the final tower you’re going to face, at least for the time being, and the fight against Victor and Shadowbeak really does prove challenging to say the least. 

As a dark element Pal, Shadowbeak is weak against dragon element Pals and attacks, so if you’ve got enough dragons in your arsenal, I’d suggest filling your party with them. 

Again, at this point there is no use bringing a knife to a gun fight – the Rocket Launcher and other high damage ranged weapons are your best bet in this battle. If you’ve got any Pals which can also be armed, while fulfilling the need for dragon element attacks, they’re your best bet. 

About The Author
Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula has been gaming since she can remember and is now juggling family life with virtual adventuring. She is a long-time FFXIV nut with a passion for helping others in the game. If she's not writing or traversing the realms of Eorzea, she's either asleep or traveling between the UK and the US to see her fiancé, whom she met in Zadnor.
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