KeeperFX is a fan project that’s keeping Dungeon Keeper alive

And the award for Most Use of the Word “Keep” in an Article Headline goes to…

KeeperFX: a screenshot from Dungeon Keeper showing a first-person perspective.

I’m becoming increasingly aware that a lot of my articles are about retro or classic games. Well, I am monstrously old, after all. And on that note, if you want a more modern version of the beloved 90s RTS game Dungeon Keeper, look no further.

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KeeperFX is a fan project that aims to keep Bullfrog’s legendary strategy game alive and well. The website says the aim is to “preserve and expand upon the original,” while bringing with it improvements to the visuals and new features.

Dungeon Keeper: an above view of some of the rooms in the dungeon.
Image via KeeperFX.

It does require an official copy of Dungeon Keeper in order to play the FX version – either through a disc (remember those?) or a downloaded copy of the Gold Edition – but the fan project itself is free.

Here’s a quick list of what you’ll find in KeeperFX:

  • Windows 7/10/11 support
  • Higher screen resolutions
  • Modernized controls
  • Many bugfixes [sic]
  • Additional campaigns and maps
  • New level script commands
  • New creatures, textures and sprites
  • Multiplayer
  • And much more!

In short, it retains the general look and feel of the ol’ D-to-the-K, but with some modern overhauls.

Some of you may already be aware of KeeperFX as it’s technically been around since 2008. However, the latest download represents build 1.0.0, aka the “first full version.” According to the site, “all original Dungeon Keeper code has been rewritten” and it’s a fully open-source standalone game.

For those with nostalgia on the brain, this sounds like a neat way to experience a gaming relic of the past. And let’s be honest, we haven’t had much luck from the series since that awful, awful, Dungeon Keeper mobile game.

About The Author
Andrew Heaton
Andrew has been a gamer since the 17th century Restoration period. He now writes for a number of online publications, contributing news and other articles. He does not own a powdered wig.
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