The top 10 best Persona game opening movies

Let’s change some lives

With the release of Persona 3 Reload drawing near, it’s time to discuss the age-old question: what’s the best Persona opening?

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There are so many amazing openings for games but none come close to those of Atlus’ Persona series. Each entry goes above and beyond to showcase some beautiful animation to narrate its stories. Now that Persona 3 Reload‘s opening has been released, I decided to see which one reigns supreme.

10. Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth

Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth‘s opening movie delivers all the fan service one needs. Seeing the casts from Persona 3, Persona 4, and Persona 5 together, alongside the respective singers, does the soul good. I’m not sure how important seeing Kamoshida rap was, but at least Persona 3 Portable‘s FeMC is acknowledged!

9. Persona (PSP)

When it comes to memorable, PlayStation Portable’s Persona‘s opening is no exception. The storybook visuals alongside the rocking “Dream of Butterfly” work harmoniously. Despite it feeling more like an advertisement, throwbacks to the original, including the block castle, wrap things up with a nice bow.

8. Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PSP)

As the West never got the PlayStation Portable version of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, we missed out on this impressive opening movie. Sporting a more serious tone, the striking visuals feel in place with the techno-choir backdrop. It’s refreshing but does feel a bit too passive with its narrative.

7. Persona 3 Reload

Persona 3 Reload‘s opening feels like a homage to Persona 3’s legacy with style and flair. The blue/white color palette paints some beautiful and haunting visuals alongside the amazing “Full Moon, Full Life” song. Seeing just how far the animation has come with the S.E.E.S members at the forefront is pretty special.

6. Persona 5 Royal

“Colors Flying High” sets the tone for Persona 5 Royal with an opening full of teamwork and friendship. While not as visually impactful as the original, Royal delivers on the fun and lets the characters unwind, which is nice to see. It’s a nice treat for returning players and a great introduction for newcomers (like I was).

5. Persona 4: Dancing All Night

I have zero shame in putting Persona 4: Dancing All Night this high on the list. The amount of effort the team must’ve put into choreographing and animating the dancing is incredible. It’s a weird shift from the murder mystery of the original, but it works almost too well. For a spin-off, it didn’t skimp on the visuals and music. Who knew Kanji and Teddy could drop it like they’re in Step Up?

4. Persona 4 Golden

Persona 4 Golden‘s opening is a literal kaleidoscope of fun and flavor. The bright colors and dancing do distract from the macabre narrative but, honestly, I dig it. “Shadow World” is a killer opener (especially with that harmonica) and fits Golden‘s additions. Also, I never knew how much I needed to see Yosuke dance with a garbage bin.

3. Persona 3

The opening movie for Persona 3 hits all the right spots: song, visuals, aesthetic, and delivery. It’s simple yet abstract, offering tons of symbolism and clues for the narrative. “Burn My Dread” remains one of Persona’s best songs and works incredibly with the animation. Most importantly, the blue/white aesthetic meshes perfectly to create what’s essentially a beautiful piece of art.

2. Persona 5

It’s hard to deny just how well Persona 5‘s opening movie captured the essence of the game. While I wish street dancing was a thing in the game, our first look at our Phantom Thieves is as memorable as the game itself. The red and grayscale color palette crafts a feast for the eyes that shows just how unique your adventure will be.

1. Persona 4

Out of all the openings, Persona 4‘s struck a chord with me that I couldn’t shake off. Everything you need is in the opening, down to the lyrics of “Pursuing Your True Self” flashing in the backdrop. Juggling different art styles and showing off our lovable cast is just the cherry on top of this picturesque masterpiece.

About The Author
Michael Murphy
Freelance Writer - A lifelong gamer and writer, as of 2023, Michael can now say he writes about video games for a living. He likes to write about the newest AAA titles, RPGs, action-adventures, adaptations, and narrative-driven games.
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