Hey there. Wow, kinda smells weird in here. Okay, who left all of these wet towels on the floor? Seriously, what the hell, guys. There's garbage under the towels, too. God, I know I've been gone for a while, but where do you all get of...
Video Games. Since the dawn of recorded history, at least the parts I felt like reading, man has enjoyed this storied and noble pastime. Eventually women, too, once we stopped burning them in droves because we thought they were witches...
So, I've been out and about for a bit. Haven't had time for writing as of late; mostly just drifting from sea to... shining sea? Is that how the lyrics go? Shit, I don't know, I'm illiterate: I can't read these lyrics for the life of m...
I have no words, friends. No words. I mean, I have words, but as a legendary actor, I have given myself to the art of being dramatic, and so I am often taken up in its whorls; it pains me to admit this, but I have won two Academy Award...
Hi, I'm actually Charlton Heston, and I'm here to write a God damn thing or something again. What? I'm old and tired, and you're not going to read this, so fuck you anyway; I don't need to be cordial. I'm sorry, it's... just been a rou...
Probably on this day, 16 years ago — a day like any other, people assumed — The Mothman Prophecies was released in theaters to the masses. A smash-hit, all would agree: but one with sinister undercurrents. Friends, The Moth...
It was a pleasantly warm, sunny day. Or perhaps it was overcast and cool. Duke Jacobs was having a bit of a time remembering whether it was one or the other. This was often the case for him, with his days so rich, full of adventure and...
Hey, gang. Look, I'll level with y'all, this is going to be controversial. Like, really controversial. We're going to be touching on a hot-button issue today, and, disclaimer for the faint of heart, my opinion on this specific matter h...
And so I stood: Shirtless, wearing an apron on which the words "Born To Ride" were proudly emblazoned. I cooked. Fiercely, ceaselessly, with a burning bosom, I cooked. Recipes, I tried. A book's worth. None of them suited the genius I ...
About The Actual Charlton Hestonone of us since 6:46 AM on 12.24.2017
I'm actually Charlton Heston. What, were you expecting some purple prose? An overwrought introduction? Get off of my property, you filthy God damn hippie.
Hey there. Wow, kinda smells weird in here. Okay, who left all of these wet towels on the floor? Seriously, what the hell, guys. There's garbage under the towels, too. God, I know I've been gone for a while, but where do you all get of...