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5 Songs That Need To Be In Rock Band 4.

I know my posts make me come off as a bit of a retro gamer. Kind of a Disco Stu for something that doesn't suck. The thing is, I totally play modern consoles. Case in point: I played the everloving hell out of the Rock Band series. Tha...


My Top Five Launch Titles.

Strap in. This post is gonna be a doorstop. I'll start with a story: In November 2013, I had just been hired at the local international airport to work as a barista at the main-terminal Starbucks. Woohoo, employment! I didn't last long...


The Nokia N-Gage: The Original Gaming Smartphone.

Recently picked up a lot of Nokia N-Gage stuff at a local flea market. Awesome stuff. Now I get to talk about this thing:   The Nokia N-Gage was a cell phone that also was a handheld game system. Now, in today’s marketplac...


Noir in Video Games

I've always been a sucker for film noir. Something about it, and the various subgenres that owe their existence to it, is awesome. It's a genre that doesn't quite translate well into a traditional video game, but when it does it is def...


A Sega Saturn Retrospective and Buyers' Guide.

  Sega's history in the 1990s was pretty interesting. They started out a little weird with the Genesis, hit a hell of a stride with Sonic, and then the constant infighting of Sega of America and Sega of Japan made Sega a bit of a...


The Price of Nostalgia: Into the Stratosphere

As stated before, nostalgia is expensive. Game prices have exploded in the past few years. There are a number of reasons for this: - People who grew up with older video games are now adults with disposable income. - The internet has al...


Seen, But Not Played.

Nobody can play every video game. It's insane and naive to think one could. The sheer volume of what is out there is staggering. No matter how many games you've played, there will always be some that elude you for one reason or another...


SNES Quick Look: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

  Here we go. I have a soft spot for this series. Mostly 'cause I watched the everloving hell out of it for two years of my childhood. My parents bought me all the action figures, and I even had the fan club kit that came with co...


Remembering Japan System Supply.

Aww! Kitty! Much like my previous posts on Spectrum Holobyte and Bullet Proof Software, here's a quick retrospective on a criminally-underrated game company. "Alright, Titannel. I'll bite. The hell is Japan System Supply?" I'm glad yo...


Four Obscure Handheld Games.

Y'know, a lot of times, the classics are nice. There is a very good reason why the first game anyone wants to play on a NES is going to be Super Mario Bros. It's basically perfect. Same goes for the Game Boy - You're going to get Tetris, no...


25 Years of the Nintendo Game Boy.

I just read the pretty damn good Dtoid article about the Game Boy's 25th anniversary. Thought I'd do my own write-up of Nintendo's wonderful, iconic, borderline-indestructable brick of a handheld game console. More or less? The Game Boy...


The Future Was Here: A Look at the Sega CD.

"History is written by the victors." - Winston Churchill (attributed) Sega's history is interesting, to say the least. The Mega Drive was conceived by Sega of Japan as being the next generation of Sega's game consoles, which started with ...


A Brief Look At Terrible Video Game Box Art.

I may have mentioned this in the past: Some odd things give me the best feelings of nostalgia. Firing up my copy of Super Mario All-Stars feels pretty damn good. Hell, even the simple action of dusting off my Super Nintendo carts makes me...


Random Update: Recent Purchases, New Look...

It's January. Woohoo! Christmas was pretty damn good this year. Got to spend a lot of time with my grandmother (My only family where I live) and I got to go to a bunch of different parties to socialize with people. Awesome stuff. I didn't ...


Christmas Memories: Sega Dreamcast

This is it. This is probably my most-cherished Christmas memory. A lot of Christmases seem to blend together. That's part of the reason why I haven't done more Christmas write-ups. It's all a big, toy-filled blur. Christmas 1999 has spe...


Christmas Memories: SSX

To hell with seasonal affective disorder. It's friggin' Christmas time. I wasn't a huge fan of the Playstation 2 when it came out. The launch lineup wasn't exactly stellar, consisting of stuff like Ridge Racer (Which seems to be on every c...


Christmas Memories: Yoshi's Island

It's December. You know what that means. December has always been a favorite month of mine, mostly because I was a spoiled only child growing up. My parents made sure that gifts with my name on them were piled to the ceiling every Christma...


Next-Gen: Thinking Long-Term

This is a little bit disjointed. Sorry. I still find it amazing that I can connect my Xbox 360 to the internet and play a game with someone whom I have never met, nor will I ever meet again. It still freaks me out to know that I have a lib...


Remembering Bullet-Proof Software.

"BRAAH BRURR DURR, DOO DOO DAAAAAA!" The second of an ongoing series? Let's hope so. Bullet-Proof Software is an interesting company. On the surface, it seems like this was just a random, obscure company that made a lot of stuff in...


Remembering Spectrum Holobyte.

I'm a bit of a fan of what most people call "retro" games. I don't entirely like the term "retro" because, when referring to video games, it encompasses a staggering amount of games and consoles. As a rule of thumb, it's best to consider ...


The Price of Nostalgia: Introduction

Within the past five years or so, there has been a gigantic surge in companies paying tribute to their past in every way possible: You've got companies like Capcom doing Ducktales: Remastered, which is basically a love letter to the fa...


The Game Gear: Sega's Handheld Time-Bomb

My dad bought me a Game Gear when I was still a toddler. I probably got it when i was two or three. I had a grand total of three games for it: Sonic The Hedgehog 2, NBA Jam, and Aladdin. I played the everloving hell out of Sonic 2, but I ha...


About Titannelone of us since 6:02 PM on 08.12.2013

Hey. I'm Titannel. I am currently a video editor for a local news station, but I'd like to edit for YouTube eventually. I also enjoy the video games. I particularly focus on retro video games, though I collect for pretty much everything, against my better judgment. Anyone who can decode my banner wins fifty bonus points. For what? Eh.

Oh, what's that? You want a shorter description? Here's one:

"Video editor. Amateur filmmaker. Creative Writer. Real human being. And a real hero."